STARTECHNO -- A Professional of Robots and FA Systems STARTECHNO -- A Professional of Robots and FA Systems

Private Policy Private Policy

   STARTECHNO COMPANY LIMITED fully recognizes and accepts our inherent responsibility as a company to protect the personal information of customers, dealers and company employees used for business operations and, therefore, strives to protect personal information in line with the below policy. STARTECHNO shall;

  1. Acquire personal information by appropriate and just means, maintain its accuracy and manage it to ensure its safety.
  2. Not use personal information for any other purposes than what was made known at the time the information was collected.
  3. Not disclose personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the concerned individual, except as otherwise prescribed by law.
  4. In the event that personal information handling is consigned to an outside party, limit the provided information to only the extent required, obligate outside handlers by contract to safely manage that information and appropriately supervise outside handlers in their operations thereof.
  5. Take appropriate and reasonable security measures to protect personal information against loss, damage, falsification, leakage, hacking and other dangers.
  6. At the request of an individual who desires that his/her personal information be shared, revised, no longer used, deleted or handled otherwise, promptly comply with such requests within reason.
  7. Train company employees in this privacy policy, company rules and proper management methods so as to thoroughly ensure proper handling of personal information in daily operations.
  8. Place person(s) in charge of personal information management, continuously review the content of this privacy policy and management system, and work to maintain and improve both.

June 2011

Automotive Parts Processing System
Plastic Parts Processing System
Automatic Transfer System
List of Products
Robot System Integrator
STAR SEIKI products